Thursday, December 20, 2007

Both Christmas and my birthday are coming up shortly, and I was surprised to discover this year that when I was asked what I'd like for either, I didn't have anything.

It's not that there is nothing that I want; rather, it's that the things which I'd like are intangibles: a full-time job with health insurance. The chance to go to the tekke in Michigan this Spring. More time with my girlfriend, most especially the chance/ability to move in with her more permanently.

Not so much with the physical things. I mean, I've asked for a suit, because I'll need one at some point, but I dislike suits; I'd rather not bother with formal wear. I casually, and off-handedly, asked for a iPhone, but that wasn't serious: it was simply the fact that I can't think of anything I particularly want.

Never-the-less, I generally just don't want anything, and that's odd to me.

It's not a spiritual thing, either; it's not like I'm curbing my appetite for material objects in some sort of bid for spiritual glory and immaterial satisfaction. Really, I just don't care.

I suppose there must be some sort of benefit to this, but right now I just don't care.